Insurance Proof of Loss Form

Your completed Proof of Loss form will need to be commissioned in order to be accepted by your insurance company. Dotted Line Notary can help you commission it.
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What is it?

There are many reasons why you may need to make an insurance claim - a flood, a fire, damaged items in your vehicle, etc.

After such a loss, you will want to contact your insurance company as soon as possible to make an insurance claim so you can be reimbursed for any damaged items. You may then be asked to complete a proof of loss form. Each insurance company will have their own form for you to fill in and to document certain information. The form reflects any applicable government regulations as well as the insurer's specific requirements.

Typical information you may be asked for includes but are not limited to:

  • When and where the loss occurred

  • The type of damage that occurred

  • What covered items were involved in the loss

  • The current replacement value of the damaged, lost or destroyed itesm as well as the value of the items involved

  • Evidence of the loss

Before providing the completed form back to your insurance company you will need to have the form commissioned before a commissioner of oaths, where you will declare that what you've written down is true and accurate.